Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finding a Gem

The magic of the internet is discovering gems like the music of "The Idan Rachail Project". Here is the official site:

This Israeli musician began this project while in the Israeli Army. He collaborates with many from various countries and cultures. He is Jewish. He works with musicians of various backgrounds. The common point of the project is a musical collaboration with respect for each peoples' language and the beauty that comes out of this unity. I am in awe of this exquisite music.

The circular coiling of the melody reminds me of the project for "Elation". You can go up or down within the wooden sculpture.

I am sorry to be so busy and not to be able to purchase a camera yet. Very soon I will take some photos of wooden playground equipment and rough drawings of the blueprint of this project. I hope you will return to comment. Thank you very much to all who have posted. I have tried to make it a simple procedure, but if you have difficulty, please send your comments to my email address and I will post it for you.

my email address is:

Thank you. Enjoy the music and visuals.

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