Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sculpture Project

I am going to go to P.S. 1 and look into whether I can interest them in the Depression Sculpture Project. I will probably need to search for a grant, but I think it is so important to find out first where I would be able to construct it....with the help of an architect or graduate student training to be an architect. I think it could make an amazing project - a thesis for a graduate student perhaps of a school like Pratt Institute.

I keep envisioning it and it is getting clearer. I want to see if I can take a tour of a water tower possibly because I think it is the closest to the type of metal structure I want to create underground. I also thought that possibly Queens Botanical Gardens may be a great place to construct it. The reason being I saw it over the summer as they were constructing some areas and because it is about recycling and solar heating and "going green" that they may already be aware of the underground portions of their grounds...which are huge. Also, because there is gardening there and perhaps they (the administrators) may be interested by a permanent underground structure.

I was influenced by an exhibit at The Noguchi Museum also. Noguchi thought of sculpture as architecture and using the creations as a way to influence a space--the usefulness and effect on human beings. I want this sculpture to help others understand what a "depression" is. An actual "depression in the ground"...and the one of the mind that forms.

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