Thursday, February 21, 2008

Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of Paradise)

This is a famous French film. The clips are in French.

I tried to find closed captioning, but couldn't. The bottom video clip needs no closed captioning. It is in my opinion, the classic mime scene in a film.

You will see Jean-Louis Barrault as a pierrot who helps free Garance from accusal of being a crook. Barrault's character is enchanted by Garance. I adore this scene!

The police asks if anyone witnessed what happened. Barrault states that he saw everything. The audience laughs and enjoys his performance as he reconstructs the crime in mime.

The actor who exits in the beginning of the scene plays Barrault's father who is greatly disappointed in him. The actor is Etienne Decroux who is considered to be the creator of the "Grammar of Mime".

I hope you enjoy the sketches even if you don't speak French. If you do, you may enjoy them even more.

This is an extension to a blog I wrote the other day about the world of silence, but more specifically about mime. There is a wonderful post in response to my blog entry "A World of Silence" --- "The Screaming Mime" , an insightful poem about the silent torture of mime performers.

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