Sunday, April 1, 2012

Coffee Again, This Time Decaf

I have been having trouble getting to sleep and waking up during the night. Therefore, switching to decaf. It is brewed, so it's pretty good. Lacks the bite. Alright. If it helps me sleep at night i will switch over for good. Yesterday I was driving and falling asleep at red lights. Dangerous. I was glad when I got home safe.

I am going to a yoga class this morning - Dahn Yoga. I thought i would leave this yoga type cuz I feel they are cultish, but now I will take classes only on Sunday and thanks to my friend Sonja have discovered techniques to use if they try to coerce me into taking more workshops. I will just ignore them and say Well...have to go have a nice day. See Sonja told is not your thing and you don't owe them an explanation. True. Decaf and yoga are what is on my mind.

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