Friday, June 13, 2008

Rainbows From the Seine

A journal entry from the past while studying at Marcel Marceau's school:

"Last night was Yana's birthday and we had some cheese and chips on the Seine River. Then, it poured and we were dancing and singing in the rain. We were drenched anyway and someone had the idea to jump into the Seine River. I jumped in at the same time as Eva and Michel. We had to be even crazier and swim around--then, the police started coming so we got out and started running from them. What a crazy night This journal was in my bookbag and I forgot it was there. Now this book is Rainbows From the Seine Night".

It makes me smile to see the bluish-purple stains obscuring some notes because of jumping into the river. It was so dirty. We didn't even think of that. I remember scrubbing so hard with soap and water, fearful of getting a disease when I got back to Pont de Neuilly.

Rainbows are around us and dirty waters too. Risks need to be taken to find the rainbows, but awareness warns that dirty waters exist too.

I found some slides of the Seine River. I found some interesting old French music: not sure how Petula Clark on the Dean Martin Show popped up. However, maybe it is a purposeful accident? Enjoy!

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